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My husband and I stopped here for dinner one random Sunday evening. We had one of the best dinners of our entire 2 week trip that night. We were able to be seated without a reservation, but I did note that one of the special course seemed to be sold out without a reservation. They've got a good online system for it, and recommend checking it before heading over so you aren't disappointed. Everything was well-crafted, from the simple salad to the Kobe steak sushi they cooked at our table with a blowtorch. Definitely get a piece or two if that to try. I did a simple filet, and my husband tried the chateaubriand. Both were excellent, though I admit the fancier one was a bit lost on my palatte. The seating area is up a flight of stairs, and you'll be asked to leave your shoes in some cubbies before you go up. Service was prompt, kind and we were able to easily order even with our very limited Japanese. The door is subtle, and tucked a bit down an alleyway but Google maps was able to navigate us there easily.


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